ODB Opéra – Paolo Albiani
“… Carole Sidney Louis is a wonderful Adriana : her voice is superb, reminding one of Suzanne Sarroca or Rosanna Carteri. She masters the role, a tense tessitura, with authority…”
Concert Classic – Bernard Niedda
“… Carole Sidney Louis, a fruity voiced dramatic soprano, masters a tessitura which is very demanding in the high notes which she delivers with a never-failing assurance…”
Magazine Opéra – Bruno Villien
”…Les quatre solistes se montrent aussi convaincants sur le plan vocal que dramatique. Carole Sidney Louis campe une Adriana amoureuse et angoissée (“m’aimait-il à Buenos Aires?” ). Ses deux duos avec Miguel sont pleins d’émotions…”
“… The four soloists are as convincing vocally as they are dramatically. Carole Sidney Louis is an anguished Adriana in love (” Did he love me at Buenos Aires?”). Her two duos with Miguel are full of emotion…”
Le Républicain Lorrain – Georges Masson
”…Scéniquement remarquable, Carole Sidney Louis (Adriana) doit assumer les grands écarts et projeter sans arrêt son soprano dans les aigus…”
“… Remarkable theatrically, Carole Sidney Louis (Adriana) constantly has to cover the voice range and to project her soprano into the high notes…”